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Corporate Operations Manager

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago

The Corporate Operations Manager (COM) provides a variety of management and professional support across the organization with an emphasis on planning, performance management, operational efficiency and effectiveness and organizational development.

Corporate Operations Manager role and responsibilities:

  • Lead in completing this process ensuring that a comprehensive set of operational policies are in place, staff have been trained and compliance is verified.
  • Responsible for maintenance of policies and procedures on an ongoing basis.
  • Review and update existing policies and procedures as well as identifying need for and developing new policies and procedures to reflect the needs of a growing and dynamic organization.
  • Coordinate and manage role to ensure follow through, completion and maintenance of policies, procedures and projects.
  • Conduct analysis to support a variety of planning and performance management tasks.
  • Develop and maintain a database of all HQ contracts and agreements so that key data (start/end dates; organizational owner; contract value; usernames/passwords; etc) are centrally located and accessible to management.
  • Provide regular support for meetings (e.g., help to develop agenda, recruit staff to take notes if necessary, develop slide decks, share meeting materials for benefit of travelers, etc)
  • Ensure staffing and resource needs are met on both day-to-day and strategic basis.
  • Accountability for operational issues and customer interaction.
  • Ensure personnel are in compliance with respect to company policy, procedure, safety and quality guidelines.
  • Meet with customer and all parties involved to identify, evaluate and correct any performance related issues.
  • Act as a liaison between the company and customers forming and maintaining positive relationships.

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