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Struggling with IgA Nephropathy?

A Clinical Research Study May Be an Option for You!

IgA Nephropathy (also called Berger’s Disease) is a kidney disease characterized by the accumulation of antibodies, specifically immunoglobulin A (IgA), in kidney tissue, further giving rise to inflammation. This inflammation poses a challenge of persistent kidney discomfort, and if left untreated, can lead to serious complications in the future. Despite recent advances in chronic kidney disease treatments, there is a need for a potential treatment for IgA Nephropathy. Primary IgA Nephropathy Clinical Trial.

You may be eligible to participate in the primary IgA Nephropathy Clinical Trial if you:

  • Are 18 years of age or older
  • Have been diagnosed with primary IgA Nephropathy
  • Additional criteria may apply

Right now, Revival Research Institute is investigating a novel drug that may help in advancing clinical research in nephrology and offer potential treatment for IgA Nephropathy. Additionally, our research aims to assess the safety & and efficacy of investigational drugs.

Men and women who suffer from chronic kidney disease and fulfill the above criteria are eligible to enroll in primary IgA Nephropathy Clinical Trial happening in Texas.

*There is no cost to you or your private medical insurance to participate in this clinical research trial. You will be monetarily compensated for your time and travel. And all participants receive study-related care from doctors & healthcare professionals, free of cost.

*If you think you might like to participate in the Berger’s Disease Study or would like more information, please enter your information so we can see if you qualify and can contact you about the study. Remember that your participation is entirely voluntary. If you do decide to take part in a study, you may change your mind about participating at any time.

About the IgA Nephropathy Study

Revival Research Institute is conducting a phase 3, primary IgA Nephropathy clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of an investigational drug in people with IgA nephropathy. The investigational drug will be given into parallel groups, with one receiving a placebo and the other the actual drug. This is a Phase 3 multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study for Berger’s Disease.

Each participant’s involvement will last for 105 weeks. Throughout this period, various assessments, including blood & urine tests, ECGs and monitoring of vital signs will be conducted to promptly identify and monitor any potential adverse side effects.

If you are over the age of 18 and have been diagnosed with primary IgA Nephropathy, then primary IgA nephropathy clinical trial in Texas could be an option for you.

The study drug and study-related care is free for volunteers eligible for the study. If you qualify, you will receive a call from someone on our research staff. You may be asked to share your personal information regarding your complete medical history, overall health, and any medications you take.

*All volunteers who may be eligible for the research study will receive the study drug and study-related care, free of cost. And you may be compensated for your time and travel. No insurance is required to participate.

**Information shared during the phone screening process, and throughout the duration of the screening and study treatment will not be shared outside the organization. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Get Started: What to Expect?

Revival Research Institute is conducting a research study in Sherman, Texas, to investigate the safety and efficacy of an investigational drug that may assist people with primary IgA nephropathy.

To see if you qualify for the IgA nephropathy study, please fill out your information in the form and we will contact you. If you do qualify for this round, you will be invited to our study site for a screening visit.

After further screenings, if you qualify, you will be asked to sign an informed consent form. Once it is signed, you will be asked health-related questions, and several health assessments and tests will be conducted to help determine if you are eligible as a volunteer. However, ask as many questions as possible before you sign the Informed Consent Form.

The IgA Nephropathy Clinical Trial is a phase 3, double-blind, placebo-controlled research study. This means that neither you nor the study doctor will know which medication you receive. You may receive the placebo drug (medication without the active ingredient of the study medication) or the study drug. You will not be able to choose the drug you receive. The medication will be assigned to you by chance, like the flip of a coin.

This study aims to observe how well the investigational drug is in assisting people with Berger’s Disease. Your participation in the study will last for approximately 105 weeks. The study team will continue to monitor your health throughout your participation in the study. There is no cost to you to participate in the study and you will receive study-related care from expert physicians and health care professionals.


IgA Nephropathy

Length of Study Treatment

105 Weeks


Sherman, Texas

About IgA Nephropathy

IgA Nephropathy is a rare kidney disease. In individuals with IgAN, an uncommon form of the protein known as IgA builds up in the kidney. This condition leads the kidneys to stop working properly, and further releasing blood and protein in the urine. If left untreated, it can result in serious complications and chronic kidney diseases.

What IgAN Does to Your Body?

IgA Nephropathy affects the kidneys by triggering inflammation in the glomeruli, where immunoglobulin A (IgA) is deposited. This inflammation affects kidney’s ability to efficiently filter waste and fluids, leading to potential complications. With time, repeated episodes of inflammation may lead to progressive kidney damage, elevating the risk of chronic kidney disease.

Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy

IgA Nephropathy manifests through various symptoms primarily affecting the kidneys. One common symptom is hematuria, marked by blood in the urine. Besides, the presence of excess protein in the urine is another major symptom. Moreover, high blood pressure is often associated with IgA Nephropathy, reflecting its impact on kidney function and swelling, particularly in the hands and feet, which may be a result of fluid retention. In some cases, individuals may experience flank pain or discomfort in the lower back. Timely recognition and management of these chronic kidney disease symptoms are crucial in addressing IgA Nephropathy and preserving kidney health. Clinical trial for primary IgA nephropathy might provide potential new treatment options.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IgA Nephropathy?

IgA Nephropathy, also known as Berger’s disease, is a kidney disorder marked by the accumulation of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the kidney tissue. This condition can result in inflammation, affecting the kidney’s ability to perform functions like filtration.

What causes IgAN?

IgA Nephropathy or Berger’s Disease is caused by the abnormal accumulation of immunoglobulin in the kidneys. However, the definite cause is not yet fully understood, but it includes a combination of abnormal immune responses, genetic predisposition, past infections, and potential environmental factors.

How can IgA Nephropathy be diagnosed?

IgA Nephropathy, also known as Berger’s Disease, includes assessing medical history, conducting blood or urine tests to evaluate kidney function. The confirmation can often come through a kidney biopsy, where the presence of IgA deposits can be examined in the glomeruli.

I have IgAN, can I volunteer for the IgAN study??

If you have been diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy (IgAN), you may be eligible to volunteer for the IgAN study. The study team will screen potential volunteers and inform you about your eligibility further.

Is there a cost to participate?

You will receive study-related care and the study treatment at no cost to you or your insurance provider.

If I choose to take part in the study, how will my safety be protected?

As per the requirement of every clinical research organization, we must follow guidelines and regulatory requirements to help protect the rights, safety, and well-being of all participants. These include Good Clinical Practice (GCP). GCP is an international scientific and ethical, quality standard for clinical trial design and execution.

Will I get treatment if I join the study?

This is a double-blind, placebo-controlled research study. You might either receive the study treatment or the placebo. Neither you, nor your study doctor will know which treatment you have received unless it is necessary that your study doctor must know. The study treatment might be able to help you with your igA Nephropathy symptoms or it might not. The placebo drug is simply sugar pills that do not contain the active ingredients. You will receive full study-related care from healthcare experts including doctors and nurses. All tests conducted during the study and study-related care provided to you will be free of cost to you and your private health insurance.

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