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Benefits of Clinical Research & The Importance of Clinical Trials

Written By January 9, 2023February 21st, 2023No Comments

Updated on February 21, 2023

benefits of clinical research


Clinical trials are an important component of medical research and the foundation of all medical advances. The potential benefits of clinical research are numerous. This ranges from gaining access to cutting-edge therapies and medical care to the opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking research that will benefit humanity for generations.

Clinical trials investigate novel approaches to disease prevention, detection, and treatment. These are designed to determine whether a new test or treatment is effective and safe. While clinical trials are important, the decision to participate in one is very personal and based on your circumstances. When presented with a clinical trial, you and your doctor must weigh the benefits of clinical research against the risks and decide what is best for you.

In this blog, we’re taking a deeper dive into some of the potential benefits of participating in clinical research, the importance of clinical trials, the benefits of decentralized clinical trials, and what is the advantage of the clinical research method.

Importance of Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are an important research tool for increasing medical knowledge and improving patient care. Clinical research advances and breakthroughs include the development of new treatments for diseases, new methods for diagnosing diseases, and new ways to reduce the likelihood of developing a disease.

Clinical research is only conducted when doctors are unsure whether a new approach works well in people and is safe. They also help doctors determine which treatments or strategies are best for specific illnesses or groups of people. Clinical research provides us with information and answers about the safety and effectiveness of drugs and other therapies. Clinical research necessitates complex and stringent testing in collaboration with disease-affected communities.

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are independent committees formed by institutions that sponsor a clinical trial. They assist in providing scientific oversight for clinical trials. Members of the IRB include doctors, statisticians, and community members. The IRB’s responsibility is to ensure that clinical trials are morally sound and that participants’ rights are protected.

Globally, investment in basic clinical research by health organizations or institutes, health professionals, and patients participating in clinical trials has contributed to a reduction in mortality and morbidity.

Benefits of Clinical Research

Clinical trials are a type of research that is used to determine how various types of healthcare interventions affect individuals. They could be used to evaluate new treatments, as well as methods for disease prevention, early detection, and improved quality of life.  There are numerous benefits of clinical research. We will go over some of the proven ones below:

Access to Cutting-Edge Treatment:

In many cases, participants are given access to potentially promising new treatments that are not yet available to the general public. Participants have the opportunity to be trailblazers: the first people in the world to benefit from a new method of care. New solutions can be extremely beneficial in a variety of ways, from improving quality of life to saving lives.

Potential for More Effective Treatments:

Researchers are constantly looking for ways to improve the standard treatments available to patients, and clinical research studies play an important role in this process. Participants in clinical research studies may be given more effective treatments than what they currently receive. A clinical research study often offers the best chance of a successful treatment for someone with a disease or condition that cannot be effectively treated with current methods of care or standard-of-care treatments.

Monitoring of Health:

Clinical research studies require close monitoring of participants’ health. This close monitoring ensures that any side effects experienced by participants are identified and addressed as soon as possible. Furthermore, some participants leave with a better understanding of their health.

Access to Expert Care:

The research team for the study, which includes doctors and other healthcare professionals who have a thorough understanding of the disease or condition being studied, will provide regular care and attention. These world-class experts may provide participants with healthcare advice.

Opportunity to Help Communities:

By participating in research, participants benefit the entire medical community, even if they do not directly benefit from a clinical research study. Every clinical research study adds to the general body of scientific knowledge and will aid future researchers.

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Benefits of Decentralized Clinical Trials

With the introduction of COVID-19, an industry-wide push was made to use a different approach to traditional trials. The adoption of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) became a requirement to meet social distancing requirements while still conducting critical research.

One of the benefits of decentralized clinical trials, as opposed to traditional clinical trials, is that they appear to be a more patient-centric approach by lowering the physical barrier to participation through the use of several new and advanced technologies.

Decentralized clinical trials are widely used due to the convenience and flexibility it offers. It also saves time by eliminating the travel burden to the clinical site and the interruption of the participants’ daily activities.

Since the introduction of decentralized clinical trials, we have seen significant technological advancements that have completely altered clinical trial design. As a result, it opens the door for DCT adoption to reap a variety of benefits ranging from improved data security and cost savings to real-time data monitoring and saving time.

What is the Advantage of the Clinical Research Method?

As the population grows, so do diseases, and thus the need for a cure increases. And this is the situation in almost every country. Doctors used to rely on their education and experience to care for their patients. However, as more drugs and therapies are introduced, doctors will need to find a way to compare the medications and see which treatment works best to cure or treat a specific illness or disease.

Researchers use clinical trials to investigate medication efficacy, side effects, dosing, potency, and drug impact on the population. They closely monitor the participants for meticulous document discovery, which is essential in the FDA drug approval process and is required before releasing any medication to the general public.

Clinical trials are important for drug development and improving human health. In regards to the benefits of clinical research, along with testing new drugs and devices, they provide scientifically based treatments to patients. Clinical trials aid in determining whether a new medicine or treatment developed in the laboratory is safe or effective, as well as whether a newly developed diagnostic test will be effective.

There are more benefits of clinical research than downfalls. Modern medical treatments for diseases such as cancer, cardiac diseases, asthma, high blood pressure, and a variety of other medical conditions have been developed through clinical trials.


Clinical trials are research studies in which volunteers are recruited to test new interventions to prevent, diagnose, treat, or manage various medical conditions or diseases.  The use of investigational medicines and medical devices are highly regulated and closely monitored during clinical trials to ensure efficacy and safety. This is also one of the many benefits of decentralized clinical trials. Among the other benefits of clinical research, they provide doctors and patients with invaluable and trustworthy information on the safety and efficacy of existing therapies, as well as aid in the selection of alternative treatments.

Patients are encouraged to participate in clinical trials to receive expert medical care. Patients become active participants in their healthcare and contribute to medical research by participating in clinical trials

Dr. Anusia Thourani

Author Dr. Anusia Thourani

Dr. Anusia is a Dentist and currently working as a Recruitment Associate at Revive Research Institute. Her cheerful personality and enthusiasm for her work in this organization make her a great part of our team.

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