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Increasing Diversity in Clinical Trials: Challenges and Strategies

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Medically Reviewed By: Alia Hanif Khan
October 12, 2023No Comments

Updated on October 12, 2023

Increasing Diversity in Clinical Trials Challenges and Strategies

Before moving into Challenges and Strategies for Increasing Diversity in Clinical Trials, let’s talk,

What does the term Diversity mean?

Diversity is a multifaceted concept that encompasses the presence and active inclusion of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and perspectives within a given group, organization, or society. It goes beyond mere representation to foster an environment where people of varying genders, races, ethnicities, ages, sexual orientations, abilities, and socioeconomic backgrounds are valued and respected.

True diversity promotes equity and inclusion, acknowledging that each person’s unique attributes contribute to a richer tapestry of ideas, creativity, and innovation. Embracing diversity not only strengthens social cohesion but also leads to more informed decision-making and ultimately paves the way for a fairer, more equitable, and harmonious society.

As a prominent clinical research organization, Revival Research Institute aims to share insights on strategies, challenges, barriers, and reasons behind limited diversity in clinical trials.

What is Diversity in Clinical Trials?

As discussed earlier, diversity in clinical trials refers to the inclusion of a different set of people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, races in the development of investigational drugs and medical devices. It is essential to increase diversity in clinical trials to overcome the challenges of health disparities and advance equity.

Why is Increasing Diversity in Clinical Trials Important?

It is important because different people may experience a certain disease differently. It is therefore important to have people from diverse backgrounds to ensure the safety and efficacy of a drug or medical device. Moreover, diversity in clinical trials helps to eliminate bias and find treatments that work for all groups of people. Increasing diversity in clinical trials is important to reduce the probability of errors and gaps in the results. From a patient’s perspective, participating in clinical trials also provides underserved communities with a chance to improve their health status.

What are the Barriers to Increasing Diversity in Clinical Trials?

The barriers to increasing diversity in clinical trials are multifaceted and encompass a range of factors. One major obstacle is the historical lack of access and inclusion, as marginalized communities have often been disbarred or underrepresented in medical research. Socioeconomic disparities, limited healthcare access, and lack of trust in the healthcare system also contribute to this concern. Language and cultural barriers can further dissuade participation.

Additionally, there’s a lack of awareness among potential participants about clinical trials and their potential benefits. Furthermore, trial design and recruitment strategies may inadvertently perpetuate bias.

Addressing these barriers requires comprehensive and collaborative efforts, including community engagement, culturally sensitive recruitment methods, improved access to healthcare, and increased trust-building initiatives between researchers and underrepresented populations.

Why is there a Lack of Diversity in Clinical Trials?

The lack of diversity in clinical trials can be attributed to a combination of historical, systemic, and practical factors. Here are some key reasons:

Historical Exclusion:

Historically, clinical trials have often been conducted on homogenous populations, primarily Caucasian males. This legacy of exclusion has created a standard of underrepresentation for various demographic groups and serves as a barrier to increasing diversity in clinical trials.

Socioeconomic Disparities:

Socioeconomic factors play a significant role. People from lower-income backgrounds may have limited access to healthcare, making them less likely to participate in clinical trials.

Distrust in HealthCare System:

Many minority communities, particularly African-American and Hispanic populations, have a long history of mistreatment and exploitation in medical research. This history has led to a deep-rooted distrust of the healthcare system and clinical trials.

Language and Cultural Barriers:

Language barriers and cultural differences can impact the participation ratio. Clinical trial outreach materials and communication may not be accessible or culturally sensitive, making it difficult for individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds to engage or relate.

Geographic Barriers:

Clinical trials are often conducted in urban areas or major research centers, creating geographic barriers for individuals who live in rural or underserved communities. This reduces the chances of increasing diversity in clinical trials.

Lack of Awareness:

A significant number of potential participants remain unaware of clinical trials due to inadequate engagement efforts and their potential advantages. This lack of awareness can prevent them from seeking out opportunities to participate.

Trial Design and Eligibility Criteria:

Some clinical trial eligibility criteria, such as age, gender, and specific medical conditions, can inadvertently exclude certain demographic groups. For example, trials focused on diseases that primarily affect one gender may not include participants of the underrepresented gender.

Recruitment Strategies:

Inadequate or ineffective recruitment strategies can contribute to the lack of diversity. Researchers may not be actively reaching out to diverse communities or employing culturally sensitive recruitment methods.

Approaches to Increasing Diversity in Clinical Research

To overcome the barriers and challenges associated with diversity in clinical trials there is a dire need to take measurable steps. Certain approaches to increasing diversity in clinical trials are as follows:

Start from Within — Hire Employees from Diverse Backgrounds

Diverse investigators and staff members who represent the racial and ethnic makeup of the communities they serve play a pivotal role as community advocates for clinical trials. They contribute to the cultural competence of trials and assist in addressing unconscious or implicit biases within the research process.

Establish a Network of Clinical Trials in Underserved Areas

Establish research centers and sites in areas where marginalized communities reside in abundance. This can raise the probability of having diverse populations in clinical trials and aid in increasing diversity in clinical trials.

Use Technology

The use of technology in clinical trials offers promising avenues to increase diversity. It not only helps in targeted marketing but also can be used for telemedicine and remote monitoring, aimed at reducing cost and increasing diversity. By harnessing the benefits of technology, clinical trials can be more inclusive and culturally sensitive, ultimately helping to increase diversity in clinical trials.

Multi-lingual Platforms

Digital platforms can offer multi-lingual content and support for people who do not understand English or are from diverse backgrounds. This is helpful in engaging diverse communities.


Increasing diversity in clinical trials is crucial to ensure that medical research results are genuine, applicable, and beneficial to a broader range of patients. Addressing the problems of lack of diversity requires a multifaceted approach, including community engagement, education, improved access to healthcare, culturally sensitive trial design and communication, and efforts to rebuild trust within marginalized communities. All this can be done with the collaborative efforts of researchers and the senior representatives of marginalized communities.

Dr. Zara Khan

Author Dr. Zara Khan

Dr. Zara is a Dentist with expert knowledge in Recruitment tactics. Coupled with her insight into Marketing and her love for understanding medical conditions, she is an integral addition to Revival’s Patient Recruitment Department. She is currently pursuing her MBA in Health and Hospital Management.

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