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Pityriasis Rosea Foods to Avoid: What to Skip for Skin Health

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Medically Reviewed By: Alia Hanif Khan
November 8, 2023No Comments

Updated on November 8, 2023

pityriasis rosea foods to avoid

Pityriasis Rosea Foods to Avoid

Pityriasis rosea, a relatively common and benign skin condition, presents a unique and often confusing rash that captures the attention of both those who experience it and medical professionals alike. Though its exact cause remains a mystery, a suspected association with certain foods highlights the complexity of this condition. It also suggests pityriasis rosea foods to avoid that could help manage the condition.

In this blog, we will explore the potential triggers including foods to avoid and management of pityriasis rosea, bringing to light a condition that, while typically harmless, can be a source of concern and curiosity for those affected.

Pityriasis Rosea and its Etiology

As discussed above, pityriasis rosea is a rash that is oval in shape and appears on the face, abdomen, chest, and back. It can occur at any age but is most common in the age bracket of 10-35 years. Although very itchy, the rash disappears completely within 10 weeks (about 2 and a half months) without scarring.

The exact cause of pityriasis rosea is not completely understood but one theory suggests that it is caused by a viral infection. Dermatologists have found the herpes virus in the food, blood, and saliva of those affected by pityriasis rosea. Another cause for pityriasis could be the food we consume and hence, this article focuses on pityriasis rosea foods to avoid.

Management of Pityriasis Rosea: Pityriasis Rosea Foods to Avoid

While no food can completely resolve the condition, there are certain foods that can trigger episodes of pityriasis rosea rash. This section will provide insight into pityriasis rosea foods to avoid while trying to manage the condition.

  • Spicy foods: Spicy meals are often a trigger for various skin conditions including acne and pityriasis rosea. Capsaicin in spicy food items causes irritation of the skin, itching, and burning as it promotes sweating.
  • Citrus fruits: Foods and fruits high in acidic content cause skin irritation and worsening of the rash. The acidic nature can make the skin sensitive to the sun, promoting sunburn, and consequently, exacerbating the symptoms of pityriasis rosea.
  • Tomato sauce: Tomato contains a lot of acidic content and is high in histamine resulting in worsening of symptoms.
  • Dairy products: Dairy products have a high content of saturated fats that trigger inflammation of the skin.
  • Red meat: Red meat can be difficult to digest, which can cause stress in the body and a flare-up of pityriasis rosea. Furthermore, red meat has a lot of saturated fat, which might aggravate the symptoms of pityriasis rosea by inducing additional inflammation.
  • Fried food items: Fried foods include a lot of fat, which causes inflammation and worsens the symptoms of pityriasis rosea. Furthermore, fried foods include a lot of salt, which causes water retention and makes the skin look puffy and inflamed.
  • Caffeine: It is a stimulant that increases the blood flow and irritates the skin. Moreover, caffeine is found in high sugar and high-fat beverages aggravates inflammation.
  • Processed foods: These are high in preservatives and artificial flavors causing inflammation and worsening the symptoms of pityriasis rosea. This is why pityriasis rosea foods to avoid should be kept in mind.
  • Sugary foods: As discussed previously, sugary foods cause inflammation and aggravate the symptoms so it is best to avoid sugary items and focus on incorporating antioxidant-rich foods in your diet.

Also, read about foods to avoid in Prurigo Nodularis.

Is Pityriasis Rosea Contagious?

Pityriasis rosea is a common viral skin condition. It is neither directly nor indirectly contagious and it heals on its own without leaving scars.

A Word from Revival

Revival Research Institute is an integrated clinical research organization that conducts clinical trials for various medical conditions including dermatological conditions like rosacea, atopic dermatitis, cutaneous lupus, and others.

Our rosacea clinical trials are underway to determine better rosacea therapies for people suffering from this distressing condition.

Revival’s aim is to make healthcare accessible to everyone by providing novel therapeutic options and helping people manage their skin conditions in a more effective way.


To conclude, pityriasis rosea cannot be treated or cured completely by a specific diet, however certain food items that trigger the symptoms must be avoided to manage the condition and prevent it from worsening. Consulting a dermatologist is your best bet in case you are unsure of your condition and feel that the symptoms are not subsiding.

Dr. Zara Khan

Author Dr. Zara Khan

Dr. Zara is a Dentist with expert knowledge in Recruitment tactics. Coupled with her insight into Marketing and her love for understanding medical conditions, she is an integral addition to Revival’s Patient Recruitment Department. She is currently pursuing her MBA in Health and Hospital Management.

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